Subterranean have announced a previously unpublished Charless Stross novel, entitled Scratch Monkey. Here is the blurb:
Scratch Monkey is the 2011 Boskone Book by Boskone's Guest of Honor Charles Stross. It contains his previously unpublished novel, Scratch Monkey, an essay about writing the novel, and a second essay about a writer's view of publishing. The novel is set in the distant future, when humans have spread through the galaxy, physically and virtually. We are not alone; we have created a race of AIs, the Superbrights, to administer and expand the virtual side of our presence in the Milky Way. Oshi Adjani works for a Superbright, traveling to worlds where her Boss cannot go, and solving the problems he has set her. One success reveals a secret of the Superbrights, so the Boss forces her into one last, deadly mission, with her freedom as her reward for doing the impossible.
Sounds interesting, but then again, all Stross' books sound interesting to me. I will keep an eye for that one. Here's the Subterranean page for the novel, and the release date is set for this week. Also - awesome cover art!
The slipcased edition sold out at the con. Ghu knows how many of the "regular" edition remain.